Analysis Opining Riff


Yup. It’s a predictable reaction from the R side of the Congress. Hunter Biden’s misdeeds are being used to smear his dad.

TFG’s crimes are being excused or more to the point ignored.

There is no acknowledgment of any wrongdoing.

The R side in my apartment building is claiming TFG is being railroaded and falsely charged.

Republicans are basking in the news of Hunter Biden’s troubles while denying that Their Former Guy is guilty of undermining democracy.

Analysis Opining Riff

Climate change

How do you feel about cold weather?

No. I don’t like the severe cold, but with the climate disturbances we’re experiencing, extreme weather is in our future.

Global warming brings global colding as well. It’s part of the science. I don’t understand the fine points but I get the part where things warm and melt…. And I understand that weather dysfunction can effect everything. And that we’re in for severe.

Analysis Riff


Occam’s approach was simplicity itself. The solution did not have to complicate matters. Occam’s Razor cut away all that.

If you settled on a straightforward explanation to solve a problem, you avoided all and any conspiracy theories.

This is not a fashionable way of looking at the world today. Instead, muddling facts is the preferred method.

I muse on these peculiarities after a conversation with a friend who left me gobsmacked over his conclusions.

The question he posed was how TFG (although we spoke his name) had left the country worse off. I immediately cited J6.

He said “oh that was a fabricated event.” According to his view, the QAnon shaman was lead into the Capitol building by “undercover agents.”

Presumably, this was a setup to make TFG look bad.

Analysis Riff

Low point

China and the United States are in the midst of a real slump in their often troubled relationship.

The “Bring YaYa Home” movement [pardon my exaggeration] is symbolic of a low point in Chinese – U.S. relations.

Accusations of maltreatment by animal advocates fuelled the urgency of returning the giant panda to its homeland. Her male companion’s recent death by heart disease added to the perception that the Memphis zoo was not doing right by the pandas.

Analysis Riff

Woke? Not woke?

Is Nikki Haley’s demand that politicians over the age of 75 get tested for mental competency going to ignite voters? It sounds more like a nose-thumbing at her ex-boss.

It is also offensive to any of us who have marked that milestone birthday. Kn fact, I think all those in the senior citizens’ bucket will take umbrage. That’s nearly 17% of the US population which is 65 or older. The numbers? 56 million.

So she’s not just disloyal, like DeSantis, she’s taking potshots. TFG must be mad.

Do you have to be a geezer to be unbalanced? Has Haley looked at the young Turks in her party? Would MTG pass a mental competence exam? How would George Santos fare?

I also would question the acuity of those who are bent out of shape by ideas of social justice

One hallmark of mental well-being is avoiding extremes. Taking a rational approach, you would see being woke for what it is- a call for fairness. It’s not an existential threat to anyone.

The culture wars being launched in the early days of the 2024 campaign sound a little loony tuney to me.

Culture wars are a figment of the political scene that create controversy for its own sake.

Analysis Status

A Constitutional read

It’s not easy digesting history. There’s always a war or a truly reprehensible act. Standards have evolved and we as a nation have progressed. Slowly but surely we make strides toward social justice.

Section 9 of Article I is particularly distasteful. It allows states the “importation of.. persons.” This nod to slaveholders was to be in place through 1808.

Thankfully, and as the Founding Fathers might have put it, by the grace of God, we abolished this practice later rather than sooner. And too late to save our collective souls from its taint.


Teach your children well

My favorite mid-western expression applies here. I am gob smacked.

Home schooling is code for the Nazification of children in Upper Sandusky.

Wasn’t there a march of Nazis in Sandusky, defended by the ACLU some time back?

There was not. It was in 1978 in Skokie. That’s Illinois. New Yorkers, sheesh, what do we know about the country between the coasts?

This outbreak of unabashed hate in Ohio is subsidized by the taxpayers yet they have no say or control.

Some parents who feel extremely threatened by people of color are taking extreme measures to teach their children these views.

Their children are being “carefully taught” as Joshua Logan and Oscar Hammerstein put it in South Pacific. Racism is not natural; it has to be learned.

Analysis Riff


A chilling note in the NYTimes email newsletter:

Officers regularly kill unarmed motorists with impunity, a 2021 Times investigation of traffic stops found. In response, some cities have moved to overhaul traffic policing.

NYT The Morning January 28th

Also unsettling is the fact I recently heard that if cops have to chase you, they will make you pay for the work.

For me, as an older white woman, a traffic stop sounds like something that should not prove deadly to the motorist.

I acknowledge that “driving while black” is a fraught experience.

In the recent fatal events in Memphis, a traffic incident did result in the untimely death of Tyre Nichols. This is more than just a travesty. It is heinous.

Do you wonder as do I why an elite special squad was engaged in a traffic stop?

We can probably agree that there was no probable cause for stopping Mr. Nichols’ car. Let’s call it an “alleged traffic stop.”

Analysis Riff

The less you know

A clean slate is one way to translate the Latin tabula rasa.

Outlandish choices are one way to lead or govern, I guess. The 118th Congress, newly seated, is already off to a bizarre start.

Both MTG and George Santos have landed House committee seats. Consider the irony of the fake businessman legislating about small business. Save some outrage for Taylor Greene, denying the event which percipatated the formation of her committee

George Santos cannot be treated as the tabula rasa that MTG claims to be. He’s far too creative a liar.

She has said she was naive when she quoted “Q” on conspiracy theories. I wonder who told her about Jewish space lasers. Reformation is a very appealing position to take. MTG’s comes without apology.

Santos also isn’t big on apology. He stands pat on his ill-gotten electoral victory.

Their party’s failure to call either to account is in tribute to the man who has been leading them astray since at least 2012.

Both Santos and MTG have an aberrant approach to political life which they have learned from TFG.

The behavior Santos and MTG exhibit is straight out of the lie-and-deflect playbook.

Analysis Riff

What do we do with..

Republicans have a lot to contend with in this 118th Congressional Session.

Despite the Speaker’s contention that they learned how to govern during their humiliating week of dysfunction, you know it isn’t so. The disarray will haunt the Speaker’s balcony for the term.

As if this weren’t enough, they have in their midst a fabricator who makes TFG look like a boy scout.

What do we do with a problem like George? [Forgive me Mr. Bernstein.]

In the way he inserts himself in major events, Santos brings to mind the titular Woody Allen character Zelig.