
Fear mongers

When I was in elementary school, we routinely hid under our desks to prepare for nuclear disaster.

One of my closest friends in high school was still traumatized by these drills all those years later. She worried about the mushroom shaped clouds in our future.

Came the tragedy of September 11, and we found ourselves under color-coded threat alerts. I submit these can be unnerving. Wondering what to do about a red alert can be futile and very frustrating.

Keeping us on the edge is also a great totalitarian tactic. I think it helped Rudy start on his career track of disgusting behaviors.

How often should we let them cry wolf or tell us Sadam has WMDs? The McVeighs, the Crimos and the “proud boys” are much more real and immediate dangers.

Our awful and lax gun laws which put weapons in the hands of these real threats are destroying our civil peace. And don’t get me started on our so-called “Supreme” Court!

This is not by way of fear-mongering but a plea that you stay involved in civic affairs. I urge you to please use what Pres. Biden refers to as your “superpower.” Vote.

By therealtamara

For an opinionated woman such as I, blogging is an excellent outlet. This is one of many fori that I use to bloviate. Enjoy! Comment on my commentary.

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