Analysis Movies Riff

Here and there

Two things that seemed so essential and witty have escaped me. Tsk tsk. Focusing.

A rickshaw bike passed, too quickly to capture but too unusual** not to mention. It was carrying two people seated behind the biker/driver in intimate proximity.

**These would be a normal sighting in tourist-laden midtown. The one today passed me at 80th and 1st.

Got one of two. And the other completely escapes me. Oh well onto other topics.

I turned left onto 76th Street [please don’t read too much into this] and found myself following early-voting footprints.

Serendipitously I found my way to the second floor of Eleanor Roosevelt H.S. where lines were short and voting was quick. Beat that November 8th deadline to have my vote count.

Make sure your voice is heard in these midterm elections. Vote early or vote on “Election Day,” but V-O-T-E!

Spoiler alert but honestly if you haven’t seen Dirty Dancing you don’t deserve the courtesy of not having the plot spilled here.

I love this film for its romantic verve and superb dance sequences. There’s ’60s nostalgia, an intimation of an era on the brink of change, and plenty of heart.

There is also a cautionary note that should remind us what we’re losing in the Roe v. Wade reversals.

As much as I love where the movie takes us, the more I view it, the more puzzled I am. Things happen faster and out of sync.

I always ask myself when Penny had a chance to get pregnant.

Despite its script defects, Dirty Dancing is wonderful, joyous viewing.

Analysis Very short riff


The appeal of the small dog had always eluded me. They always seemed to lack substance. Lately, however, I have noticed how many of them appear to be puffed up. It’s not just their fur but also their manner. They tend to let their presence be known.

This can be charming.


Little things

This little guy was lurking in the neighborhood: spotted on April 16th.

This is a look-don’t-touch exhibit. Where is the public in this display, mon ami? [At Le Moulin a Cafe]