Analysis Riff

The storming of the Capitol

What it looks like on the wrong side of history

Friday is the 2nd anniversary of the Capitol insurrection. I believe the time we should mark is 12:58pm

Thanks to the exceptional work of the J6 Committee, the felonious mayhem that happened under the urging of a former president is now a historic record.

This is more than TFG deserves. It is also less than he deserves.

He has earned a place in history. Let us be clear his ill-gotten notoriety is not a place of honor. He has yet to get the indictment and punishment he truly deserves.

He will be remembered for inciting an unruly mob to storm our nation’s Capitol.

His mob killed policemen during their criminal rampage.

People died at the hands of a group of self-styled nationalists in support of a false premise that TFG did not lose a democratic and fair election.

In support of the BIG Lie over his Big Loss, TFG asked several marginal groups of thugs to come armed to Washington, D.C.

The loser invited an armed mob to storm the United States Capitol in order to declare him a winner. This is an incredible story.

The purpose of TFG’s BIG Lie and his January 6, 2022 event was to anoint him despite his Big Loss.

But for J6, TFG would be no more notable than Benjamin Harrison or Grover Cleveland. Now he has left a trove of documents in memoriam of 4 years of dysfunction and disruption.

It’s the way TFG wormed his way into the history of the United States of America. If not for this one day, his presidency would have been a blip in the public record.

Analysis Riff

Term of art

Robin Wright coined a perfect word for our dyspeptic times “thugocrat” in a New Yorker year end review.

Unbeknownst to me -or perhaps any of us- we were living in TFG’s “thugocracy” for lo those many years!

This is proven by his inciting a mob to support his big lie and storm the Capitol.

Analysis very short riffs


Did you ever imagine that we’d be saying that the trouble with the American economy was strong growth and high wages?

Perspectives change and the rules we grew to think were steadfast don’t always hold the line. Economics is an evolving science.

Yesterday’s conclusions from the J6 committee were welcome news. They worked hard to create a historic record of that dark day.

The conspirators deserve to be held to account. From top down.

The Former Guy is making threats of another coup in response to the revelations made by J6 Cmte.

The question for America’s next chapter is how well the republic will recover from what TFG has wrought.

BTW prices at the gas pump are down.

President Zelensky is heading to America’s capital. This is bravery!

When your resume is the best fiction you have ever written! No make that the best fiction you will ever write.

Analysis Plea Riff

History’s lessons

How often have we heard “history teaches us” and still learned nothing?

Cooperation is not found much in the historic record. We do try to teach it to kindergarteners. Cooperate, collaborate and share are projects in themselves. It’s good pedagogy.

History is another road entirely. It’s run over by political expediency and promises. It offers a road map of expectations and disappointment. That comes even when our politicians are not dishonest.

If we haven’t been taught our history, we are unprepared to meet the dangers on the road ahead. We haven’t learned its lessons.

When those seeking to lead us are grossly incompetent and given to telling lies, we are being led down a different path altogether.

Those aspirants for office who are not at all up to the job can only hurt us. The road they travel is crooked, as they are. They cannot take from history the lessons for our betterment. They don’t want to.

They drive along willy-nilly not caring if we crash. These are men who will burn our history rather than uphold our freeways and the good history has wrought.

They have learned from history only about bloody terrors and grabs for power. Those are lessons they will repeat at our peril.


Don’t let anyone dismantle what we built

Democracy did not die on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. We dodged a bullet.

TFG would like to tear it down, replace it with something that will bear his Name Writ Large. Don’t let that happen. Don’t let him hijack American democracy for his own ends.

Democracy, as it is practiced here in America, could use a tweak or two. Let’s fix it. It can use a refresh.

It can be amended.

Don’t let anyone take the power from the people and place it in his dangerous little hands.

Do not let anyone dismantle America.

Analysis Very short riff

A break in the chain

My commercial cable show had 3 of these offers in a row: due to supply chain issues, these items will soon be discontinued, limit two. Once the current inventory is gone….

Two for 29.95 just add a handling charge.

Math and reading scores dipped, I read today. I don’t imagine science and history knowledge improved. An already ignorant nation welcomes a new generation of bumkins to the world.

My parting word is about TFG: This guy will not make you rich. Give him your freedoms and he will make you his bitch!

#alt-right=alt-wrong. Take a lesson from history.

Analysis Riff

By the powers

Make no mistake: the J6 Cmtee has all the ammo it needs. They also have the power to disqualify TFG from further disservice to his country. Thanks you’ve done enough…

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment invites the disqualification from office of any person who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States or who has “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

Someone needs to let TFG and all the J6 conspirators and bad-actors that simply cause you want your neighbor’s house or you just don’t like the guy does not make it yours for the taking.

We The People could do that in these midterm elections. Let’s do it!

***click for a list of candidates supporting the Big Lie***

The Washington Post

It used to be anathema to say you don’t believe in America. Now it’s “those are my boys. I’m so proud.”

Analysis Riff

Jeopardy [spells danger]

The art of the comb over is easily his sole and best accomplishment.

[Buzzer sounds] Who is TFG?

And yet those who follow his shenanigans are enthralled. They are so taken by his act that they sanction or endorse racism, misogyny, loatheful speech, his disdain (for them,) lies, narcissism, grift (even when they are the mark.)

His alliance with QAnon, which is not a 12-step program for stupids, may result in the emergence of this century’s party of autocracy. He has embraced it so they will too.

These are troubling signs of the demise of democracy. You should be as worried as I am.



Fingers are being pointed at the wrong side of the aisle.

Welfare cheats? Volleyball anyone? Brett Favre soon may not be remembered for his NFL passing records but rather for diverting government welfare funds to build a stadium. His MAGA affiliation with former Gov. Phil Bryant [R] made the scheme seem so fool-proof.

Sex trafficking, that’s falling on the R side with Gaetz still walking free. Not to mention, oh forget it, there’s too many good old boys just being boys to mention.

Law and order is big on the R agenda yet they sanction insurrection. Police are a sacred cause on the right, yet their J6 riot beat on police trying to protect the Capitol.

We know hypocrisy is a bipartisan activity, of course, but let’s heed the expression that involves “glass houses.” Shall we?

Analysis Riff


There is a real danger in giving this maniacal insurrectionist a forum and a platform.

An NYT writer feels that Biden didn’t make the ex-prez “small” enough by declaring against the threat to democracy he poses.

I contend that the press and the people did not take him seriously enough the first time around. We of the liberal persuasion laughed at his antics. Ha, who’s laughing now!